About US

Pillars of TPM

With an objective of supporting Indian Industry to become competitive through adoption of TPM, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) signed an MoU with Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM), Japan in March 1998 and created TPM Club India as an entity within CII. CII TPM Club India thus became the launch vehicle to promote TPM in India.
Since then, TPM Club India has been supporting the Indian Industry through propagation and implementation of TPM technologies. To further promote and create a wide support structure across India through a network of professionals, the CII IQ TPM Club India has launched the TPM Club Professional Membership. This forum will provide an opportunity to connect, learn, propagate and contribute actively in further improving the competitiveness of the Indian Industry towards the goal of Competitive, Inclusive and Self-reliant India.
The TPM Club India is only organization whose previous two Heads were awarded Nakajima Award by JIPM due excellent work done in spreading TPM in India. It’s only Indian organization and among few in the world whose present head is nominated by JIPM in the Global team to decide Global TPM Implementation Standard under guidance of BSI, England.
Get In Touch
- Ganapathy S
- Sudarsan KK
- Mani Kumar
CII Institute of Quality
Near Bharat Nagara, II Phase Magadi Main Road Vishwaneedam P.O. Bengaluru 560091